RSC scrapbook

Welcome to the RSC scrapbook. This collection of photographs, news articles and other bits and pieces have been gathered over the past 60 years. Feel free the peruse these images by clicking on the links at the left of this page.

The collection is ordered into year spans. For each year span there is a downloadable high quality PDF document available. By all means download any document you desire. However, please refrain from printing them out on RSC printers.

When you view individual images, you have the opportunity to contribute information about the people, events, and dates depicted in the images. You can do this by clicking on the comments link which can be found at the top and bottom of each image. Alternatively, you can send an email to .

© Copyright 1965–2025 Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University
by Lorraine Scarr, Elmars Krausz, Maria Kubik and Rado Faletič.